Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bored...on Mother's Day

Not a whole lot of new things to report. Marlon's working, on Mother's Day, so I'm here with Evoly. BUT...Evoly has TWO teeth!! They came in within a day of each other. I tried to get pictures of them but she HATES to have her face touched so all the pictures are blurry and you can't tell which is a tooth and which is just a shiny blur. I'll keep trying though. She's so big. Bigger than most babies I see that are older than her. We don't care though. She's perfect. :)

Marlon and Evoly and I will be traveling to NY this weekend. Just a quick 4 day trip to get out of the house. Then in June Evoly and I will be going to WA for George's (my brother) graduation...that is if I can get the miles for it...(thanks mom :D)

Home life is good. Not too thrilling, what with me working between 0 and 15 hours a week. We stay at home and watch a lot of Spongebob(Marlon's new favorite show ;D) while Marlon is at work, and every once in a while go outside to be bombarded with pollen and come back home with itchy eyes and runny noses.

Marlon's trying to get a new job. He hopes with the same company in a Managerial position, if not in sales for Verizon Wireless which pays more in commission. We'll see what happens. Regardless, I think I need to start working more. :P

I guess that's all I have to report for now. I'm sure I'll think of something later but not have the patients to sit down and put it in writing. Don't forget about the pictures. We'll have new ones up next week sometime when we get back from NY.


nAnnie Laurie said...

Oh I love you hear from you! thanks baby - Have a safe and fun trip. I love you

Emily Marie said...

Happy Mother's Day! You are a great mommy and I love you Sarah!

Olivia Heilmann said...

Oh yeah ...a post. I always check. :) Glad to hear about your life! Sounds like it's going great. Love you