Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Richmond Zoo Trip

We went to the zoo last week. I forget what day...Anyway, since Marlon's been out of work we had been sitting around a lot and were sick of being couped up so we headed out. We went to the Richmond Zoo which neither of us had been to, to see the animals. It was fun. Nice sunny, but not too hot kind of day. There were lots more animals than this. This is just all I took pictures of.

These guys are cute. I think they're like Prairie Dogs or something. They were doing a lot of construction around the zoo so some things weren't marked...

These ones (forget what they're called) were really friendly. They were all gathered around staring at us.

I knew Bison were big but I don't remember them being SO huge and intimidating.

African penguins

At the Richmond Zoo you can feed like half of the animals. Giraffe is one of them! So cool. You can feed them and pet them.

There were two HUGE Tortoises.

Two beautiful White Tigers

The most hillarious Orangotang. There was a man there throwing the food pelets into the water and the orangotan would grab it and then do what looked like the sign language "thank you."

Then the couple started to walk away and he followed them. Another couple started feed him again, but not fast enough.

This was at the end of our trip and Marlon was on the phone with a man from T-Mobile Auth. dealers offering him a job! Finally!


nAnnie Laurie said...

did he get the job?? did he did he??

Emily Marie said...

That looks like fun! :)

Olivia Heilmann said...

What a grateful Orangutan!! Ok...I totally have to go to that zoo and feed the Giraffes!!!!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!

A monkey and her momma said...

So cool huh!?!?!?