Friday, September 5, 2008

My baby is so big

Evoly can walk, almost, like a pro! She only falls when she gets going too fast. It's funny... ;)
She can even talk. Well, say 3 or 4 words...This is a video of her first REAL word :)

Evoly can sing a song too but it's really hard to get a video of it. She has to be in a really good mood. That usually happens when I don't have the camera aroung of course. It's the cutest thing ever. I'll try to get a video soon.

This video is Evoly playing with playdough that she got from Aunt Emily and cousins for her first birthday. I decided not to let her eat it :)

On the scarier less cute side, I got a calling as the primary secretary of the combined Gayton ward and Henrico Branch...I'm doomed.


nAnnie Laurie said...

Noooooooooooooo not doomed - it's so exciting that you have that calling -- in the wonderful Primary, doing what you're so talented at - organizing! And baby's first word - CRAKA - it's sooooo cute that I'm having trouble seeing through the watery eyes! And if that's homemade playdo - i'd let her eat a little bit - she won't like it most likely, anyway =-) yucky!!

Lynnette said...

So cute!And she is getting so big too fast!

Anonymous said...

hey! i know how you feel! they made me primary secretary of the hazel dell ward. its not so bad but still kinda like Ahhhh! it'll get better when you know what you're doing though, give it time. good luck!

Emily Marie said...

YEAH!!!!! So cute!!! So we need to get together so we can sing and she can sing with us! :) YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Such great times!

Mina said...

DANG PRECIOUS BABY!! I want it...send it here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you'll really enjoy working in really can be a total blast and a joy.