Tuesday, October 21, 2008

And here you go

Picture and Video time!!!!

The culprit
The damages

Into EVERYTHING!!!! If she is not in her play pen or in her booster seat eating, she will litterally just walk around touching and picking things up. It is quite hilarious to watch ;)
Here is a butt load of videos.
We had a power outage a while back after a storm...


nAnnie Laurie said...

Oh my jeepers creepers she's SO DANG CUTE!! She talking and understands you about so mandy things - she looks so happy =-) good job mommy and daddy !!

nAnnie Laurie said...

hehe - I meant to say about so MANY things - not mandy -- although she is almost as smart :)hehehahaheheh! love you too Moo :)

Lynnette said...

Oh she is so so soooo cute!! The laughing video is the best, but the dancing is close, and the bubbles....Gah! they're all cute!

Olivia Heilmann said...

WOW those are SO CUTE! I want to squeeze her little cheekies!